Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed

Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010


yeeeey i was happy. tadi udah ambil raport biasa lah deg-degan gitu kan. eh terus dipanggil tuh eh tapi gak dipanggil juga sih terus pak heru mulai deh berbicara my teacher had one topic and always said that when i got my raport.
"Yemima had talent that is speaking! BUT she cant speak well in good time" oooooooh SHITY
i almost felt bored because thats words always 
ya gitu deh yaudah males lama22 akhirnya mulak ma hita. eh tapi bou gue doang yang pulang.
gue sama talitha ke kantin makan, lagi nunggu dian sama ka ari. Ka arin itu pelatih futsal cewek di PL looooooh ganteng. ada yang mau?? hahaha

so talitha, dian and i I sat under the shade tree. it was so cooooooool hahaha sometimes I spend ridiculous snot haha so funny!
okey ka ari udah dateng kita mau ada tanding futsal lagi di SMA 7 bekasi kita harap sih bisa menang wish me luck ya gue jadi kipeeeeer gitcu deh haha..
intinya hari ini lumayan lah nilai raport juga gak jelek2 banget yang dibawah kkm mepet gitu, okee
thanks ya guys.


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